A Rock & Hard Place

From our roving office clinging to a rock in Barmouth, West Wales where Mozzie Cozzie did a spot of summer digital nomading - working a profession whilst travelling.  We went North, South, East and West Wales - what a beautiful country!.

Sometimes we get stuck and when we are being entrepreneurial.

It happens that we find ourselves feeling uncomfortable and needing to navigate a way around a problem.

Often this calls for nimbleness which is perhaps a toss-up between experience and energy.

A rock and a hard place are to be discovered in the final clamber to the summit and when we are at our most tired we can freeze - even panic.

Launching a business is just like that.

We push and pull at the strings of possibility, of opportunity, trying to swing into a safe zone of comfort and sharing a next level.

This is the everyday life and even harder when you put yourself way out there as a founder-on-the-move or an entrepreneurial nomad.

Sometimes the pit stop can be such a joy - a cowshed on Holy Island this week is forefront in mind. So unexpected a thick walled, roving HQ and with the best holiday home view to cast the eye between screen breaks. The beach a stone’s throw. The horizon wide open, all laid flat out front from behind an ironing board desk!

When we feel comfortable it can also be hard to move, yet we must because shelter is at its best when it’s a refresher. A spot to be happily vacated once we’ve enjoyed respite, ready to receive the pilgrimage of others.

Welcome refreshers can be the simplest things. We don’t always need to uproot. Rubbing some nourishment into our skin, watching a bit of IRL Nature, taking the dog out to stretch all 6 legs.

Yes, it is all quite possible on the move.

Instead of resisting change or uncertainty, we can view it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. We can peep out, take a breath, maybe tip toe into a companion’s arms, perhaps shout out for some support.

By asking, by listening to others, by calmly embracing the unknown instead of fearing it, we can cultivate a sense of resilience and adaptability that can help us navigate any challenge that comes our way.

Imagine the big sky and go take a look today, up and out and see if you can feel it. The other space, the bigger dream…

We’re doing just that in a quite remarkable and Tropical Wales this week - and launching this month, not sitting in a hidey-hole any longer.

Scary and exhilarating.

Believe and breathe.

Smitten not bitten.

Thank you for your companionship and support - it’s been a real comfort and we are ready enough as a brand now to shine our light and pay it forward!

See you on the other side!

Postcard from the Edge, Mozzie Cozzie pre-launch and prepared for dusk - we are insect-resistant clothing.

Postcard from the edge!

Prepared for dusk in a Mozzie Cozzie admiring St Ann's Head Lighthouse, Pembrokeshire, Wales.


The Juicy Fruit of Prickly Labour.


O Bring Me Wings!