
Flying High
Anna McFadyen Anna McFadyen

Flying High

Mozzie Cozzie says here’s to travelling well and travelling light! Whether you’re out and about on foot or buckled up on a flight! Stay Smitten not Bitten! PACK: Protective, Adaptive, Comfortable and Kind to skin and planet.

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Ready for BZzness?
Anna McFadyen Anna McFadyen

Ready for BZzness?

Pack properly for your holidays - Mozzie Cozzie adapts to cover you from insects that bite any time, any day - every day, every time.

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Wrapping Up
Anna McFadyen Anna McFadyen

Wrapping Up

For Christmas & For Every Day & Every Year

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Tick Tock
Anna McFadyen Anna McFadyen

Tick Tock

A beautiful Scottish beach - the perfect ‘Tick Tock’ scene?

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A Rock & Hard Place
Anna McFadyen Anna McFadyen

A Rock & Hard Place

Launching a new UK Company is tough, but worth it. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger as Nietzsche put it.

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Bitten By The Clothing Bug
Eleanor Cobbett Eleanor Cobbett

Bitten By The Clothing Bug

A new Swedish company has opened who are eating up all our clothes. It’s called Renewcell and it shreds old, pure cotton clothes to a wet pulp, adds a dash of chemical wizardry, then bleach drys it to produce flat sheets of Circulose.

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