Wrapping Up

Mosquito resistant clothing in a bag - easy travel.  16 ways to wear one jumpsuit.

‘Tis the season and we love a bit of wrapping and upwrapping!

You can do that every day in a Mozzie Cozzie!

This is how…

We’ll be wearing our comfy red jumpsuit Christmas Day to lounge about in - it’s not just for on the beach, between catching waves (although that’s possible too), but it works in good old Blighty too.

We’re coming home for Christmas for a few days sofa surfing time off.

We hope you too can enjoy some time off too, some time to stay comfortable and to be kind over the festive season - to achieve this, perhaps we all need to stay adaptive too!

And on the horizon for next year we are furthering collaborations with UK institutes, The Broads Authority, The National Trust, WildEast to help them keep focused on their job - not insects that bite them - and give more and more conservation a chance in 2024.

We’ll be further field testing our suits in the UK in East Anglia on The Broads for these little biters - maybe you’ve heard of some of them, these are the ones most bothersome to humans:

Mosquitoes - there's a long list of species in East Norfolk which are troublesome, but the chief culprits are Banded Mosquito (Culiseta annulate), Anopheles claviger, Aedes rusticus and Aedes annulipes.

Biting midges - these include Culicoides impunctatus (the Highland midge), but Culicoides obsoletus may be a more frequent biter in the Broads. On evenings in the summer, there can be swarms of Culicoides just as intense as those in Scotland.

Blackflies - Several Simulium species are present in Broadland, none particularly abundant, but can be pests locally.

*Horse/deer flies - Haematopota pluvialis (commonly known as one of the “clegs”) is widespread and abundant species. Chrysops relictus (Twin-lobed Deer fly) is a problem in more wooded areas, and among the larger species, the nationally scarce Broadland Horsefly (Hybomitra muehlfeldi) is common in places. These will bite through thin clothing.

The Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) can be a bit of a problem in areas with livestock, but usually they prefer biting cattle.

Note: *make sure you wear your layers under and over your mozzie cozzie for these particular biters or check out our fellow Make It British cohort from Yorkshire who also make a good jumpsuit.

Mozzie Cozzie Made in UK for UK insect areas like the Norfolk Broads. Econ-friendly mosquito repellent clothing options.

Winter Moonlight on Whitlingham Great Broad, Norfolk Broads, UK

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