Do you have mosquito superpowers?

The Guardian newspaper reported on a recent study showing some people can attract the most dangerous animal on earth – just like that!

POW do you have mosquito superpowers?

Well now that’s talent that surely deserves to be in The Greatest Showman.

If this is you - have you ever wondered how you do that?

Here’s the thing…it’s the chemicals you secrete on your skin, according to a New York neurobiologist. Your unique smell. And there’s a whole community of people who are mosquito magnets.

This doesn’t mean you smell bad to humans - although you might to some! It does mean that every time you expose your skin to mosquitoes you are very bravely fighting against a strong - the deadliest - animal in nature.

Wow! Look at you!

Healthy bacteria on our skin can eat up these chemicals, (spoiler: you can’t wipe them off without damaging your skin - scientists are still working on that one).

Maybe you are not ready, just don’t want to or didn’t mean to put yourself so out there. But you don’t have your spray and you forgot your pills, then OMG the fight is on!

Swat, swat. Grr, grrr!

All you’ve got with you are the clothes on your back, but hang on a sec… can the thing you’re actually wearing help? You unravel the answer - first one arm, then the next - quickly you slip off your pool slides and unravel out both legs and by jove! A swipe from from under your collar and you’ve a hooded force shield. Full coverage whilst the battle fades away…

Ahhh! BZz…

Now you can go in peace, perhaps to love, perhaps to serve. You are enjoying your now moment once more.

For more about the study that involves a tournament of humans in nylon tights and a swarm of deadly creatures click here…(no mention of Yellow fever, dengue Zika, promise!).

For more about keeping your super powers and investing in a suit to take you from dawn to dusk and in between. That’s pretty much everywhere and anywhere and because it doesn’t appear to be anything like a hazmat suit!


Spot the difference