Spring Returns!

With the joyful return of Spring come thoughts of Returns too…

A new season unfurls, many of us will set our intentions, plot things to look forward to and visualise the months ahead - maybe on our new Mozzie Cozzie A4 12 Rolling Months Wall Planner Calendar if you were one of our BZzClubbers lucky enough to get one from the first print run!


Perhaps we are all just secretly snatching time to be lolling on the couch, dreaming of warmer climes and being outside more once the winter weather lifts.

 If you happen to be in your woolies, on your device and surfing for UK made clothing its worth considering what our industry says about returns…

Returns are expected to cost British fashion retailers some £7 billion this year.

-source: The Industry.Fashion January 2023 issue

On top of this, the waste generated by returns means the cost to the planet, as well as retailers’ bottom lines, is getting unsustainable.

In their latest report, they raised the alarm…

• The true cost of returns:  for a £30 item, this can be as much as £20

• Reducing returns:  number of different measures that can help reduce returns

• Reuse returns: Innovations that can restore damaged and care-worn clothing to its former glory

• Recommerce: “second life” opportunities to add a new revenue stream to your business

Your small, local, slow fashion businesses can suffer from Returns and Exchanges and these end up getting passed on to the customer in increased pricing.

They can cost them dearly and usually can be avoided with a contact before purchase.  Size charts appear on site to help customers and there is usually a channel to ask any questions before hitting the buy button.

So without too much effort, you can get exactly what you want first time right!


At Mozzie Cozzie we are open about our sourcing (Open Supply Hub), transparent on our pricing (there’s a pie chart to explain how your investment in our versatile clothing gets allocated), and currently offer 4 loose fitting easy sizes.

We want to keep our prices smart not stupid.

Returns and exchanges can be as annoying to brands and you, the customer.

So, maybe it’s worth a killer thought?

Please consider your purchases in 2023 and help UK brands help you with your sizing.

We’re keeping Outside …the Re-box.

Choose Smitten and avoid Returning!


Getting BZzy


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